Home Remedies for Hair Loss




Hair loss is normal, but when it happens in excess it’s frightening and upsetting. It’s common to lose about 50-100 strands a day, and up to 250 strands when you wash your hair. About 10% of your hair is dormant, and will fall out after 2-3 months. Sometimes you may not realize that everyday habits can contribute to hair loss. Here are some natural ways to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss, as well as some tips on what not to do to ensure that your hair stays on your head.

Home Remedies:

1.  Coconut milk

Coconut milk contains a rich source of nutrients including vitamin E, potassium, and iron. Applying this liquid directly to the roots can help prevent hair breakage and accelerate hair growth. The antibacterial properties in the milk can also protect the scalp as it is a natural conditioner for both hair and skin. It’s recommended that you leave the treatment in overnight.

2. Amla, Indian gooseberry

This fruit is well known for its high levels of vitamins. It is also packed with antioxidants, which can prevent premature graying of the hair. The essential fatty acids in this fruit can also keep hair follicles strong. Apply a paste of dried amla with lime juice to the scalp to nourish your locks and make your hair extra lustrous. To make the paste mix 2 teaspoons of lime juice with 2 teaspoons of dried amla powder.

3. Scalp massage

Regularly treating your head to a massage is effective in keeping your hair healthy. A massage stimulates blood flow to the scalp and promotes hair growth. Combining a head massage with lukewarm oil can prevent hair loss and dandruff too.

There are a number of oils to try: coconut, jojoba, mustard, almond, lavender, olive, or sesame oil – all full of added nutrients. Jojoba oil is especially recommended because it replaces sebum (an oily secretion from the sevaceous glands) in the scalp.

4. Neem, Indian lilac

Neem oil is extracted from the fruit of the Indian lilac tree. This treatment is effective because the tree is rich in antioxidants which counter free radicals. Neem is regenerative and contains fatty acids like linoleic, oleic, and stearic acids, which also condition the scalp and hair.

Neem is an astringent and can also treat itching, dandruff and head lice without chemicals. Neem oil has a bitter smell so it’s recommended that you mix it with an aromatic essential oil like lavender, tea tree or orange. You can massage this mixture into your scalp and apply it to your locks too.

5. Aloe vera

Aloe Vera is another good remedy for hair loss. Applying pure aloe gel directly to the scalp helps balance the pH level. The plant extract is rich in vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and enzymes. The aloe strengthens hair elasticity and can soften and moisturize your hair, acting as a natural conditioner. Dissolving a small amount of salt into the gel can also help. The salt penetrates through deeper skin layers and can prevent hair from falling out unnecessarily.

6. Egg white and curd

The combination of egg white and curd creates a super hair treatment that promotes hair growth. Eggs are rich in sulfur, selenium, iodine, phosphorus, iron and zinc. Curd has many nutrients and is anti-fungal. This mixture makes an excellent conditioner, making your hair look shiny and at the same time, it effectively fights dandruff and hair loss. Combine the ingredients and apply the mask to your scalp and hair.

7. Henna

While most people know henna as a natural hair dye, it is also an excellent way to strengthen and condition your hair. More importantly henna controls excessive hair loss. When applied to the hair and scalp it creates a protective coat over the hair shafts and its nutrients repair the hair cuticles, making the strands thick and strong.

To prevent hair loss, combine dried henna leaves or powdered henna with mustard oil and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Massage this oil mix into your scalp. Leave it to rest for 30 minutes and rinse your hair after.

8. Hibiscus

This vibrant flower has many rejuvenating properties for hair. It is an old Indian method of maintaining a thick mane of hair. Because of its rich vitamin C and amino acid content, this flower works to prevent premature graying. It also nourishes the hair and treats dandruff. When you combine the crushed leaves of the flowers with coconut or sesame oil and apply this paste to your scalp regularly, it can help with hair loss. It’s best to leave the paste in your hair for several hours and then rinse.

Habits to avoid:

Don’t comb or rub your hair while wet

Wet hair is more fragile because the protective layer has been stripped. Towel drying or combing your hair when wet can cause the hair to snap and break. Untangle your hair before you wet it and blot your hair with a towel.

Don’t overheat your hair

Excess use of your hair dryer or straightening iron can dry out your hair shafts, leading to dull, and brittle hair. The heat can damage the proteins and the dryness also strips your hair of natural moisture, resulting in dry cuticles, which will snap off. It’s recommended you limit this activity to 2 to 3 times a week.

Don’t wash your hair with hot water

Boiling hot water can weaken your hair follicles and cause hair to fall out. Having a steaming hot shower frequently can strip away the protective oils and this can cause your scalp pores to overproduce oil, which can damage the hair at the root, resulting in excessive shedding. Opt for washing your hair with lukewarm to warm water, and rinsing with cooler temperatures, to lock in moisture.

Yoga Exercises That Will Help You Grow Your Hair Faster

Every woman wishes for long, healthy and shiny hair. But, the stress of the modern day lifestyle, ageing, unhealthy eating habits and non-existent fitness routine often takes a heavy toll on your health, including your hair. Well, let us tell you how you can relieve your stress, get in shape, and take care of your hair all at once. It is through yoga. Yes, you read it right! Yoga can help you get long and black locks. So, take a look at some yoga poses that are great for your hair.

#1. Sirasasana (Head Stand)

This exercise involves balancing your entire body on your head. Yes, you read that right! You need to invert your body, with your head resting on the ground with the help of your hands. With regular practice, you should be able to do this effectively. It improves blood circulation in the scalp. It promotes hair growth as it helps to supply essential nutrients to your hair roots. Not to mention, this pose also ensures that you will have a fit and toned body.

#2. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)

Lie down flat on your back and raise your legs upwards till your toes are pointing towards the ceiling. Use your head, neck and upper back to maintain the balance of your body. Also, keep your hands on the centre of your spine to provide support. This pose also increases blood flow to your scalp and nourishes the hair roots, thus preventing hair fall. It also improves the thyroid function and ensures healthy respiratory function.

#3. Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

This one is a relatively simple pose. It involves kneeling on the floor and bending your spine backwards until your hands touch your ankles. You need to hold this position for a few seconds. Keep your breathing normal. You need to exhale while coming back to the kneeling position. If you have a back injury, do not try this pose. This pose is good for those who are suffering from hair problems like hair breakage and thinning.

#4. Pawanmuktasana (Wind Releasing Pose)

Lie down on your back and bring your knees towards your chest. Then hug your knees to your chest. Breathe out as you bring your knees to your chest, and breathe in as you come back to original position. It is great for improving digestion, which also has an impact on your hair. It cures constipation, which can adversely affect hair growth as well.

#5. Vajrasana (Diamond Pose)

Just sit on the floor with your knees under your thighs. Keep your spine erect and place your hands on your upper thigh. Now, relax and breathe in and out deeply. This position is good for your digestive system. It thus promotes a healthy circulation of nutrient-rich blood in your overall body. It also improves your body’s immunity to fight against various scalp infections. This pose can also be done immediately after eating.

#6. Sasangasana (Rabbit Pose)

Sit with your knees on the floor, with your hips resting on your heels. Now place your hands behind and hold your heels. After this, bend the crown of your head slowly towards the ground. As your head touches the ground, lift your hips up. Inhale as you get in this pose. Hold the position for five counts and exhale as you come back to the starting position. This pose improves blood circulation to the scalp. It leaves your hair with a lustrous and healthy shine.

#7. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

In this pose, lie down flat on your stomach. Place your palms on the floor in a way that they are parallel to your shoulders. Now put your weight on your elbows and palms and lift your chest up. Keep your legs and feet on floor. Hold this pose for at least 20-25 seconds. This pose improves digestion, heart-lung functioning, and also stimulates flow of oxygen-rich blood in body.

#8. Pranayam

Pranayam are breathing exercises that help in getting rid of stress and improving blood flow in the body. In Kapalbhati, slowly inhale followed by fast and jerky exhales. It improves blood circulation and brain functioning. It also helps your body to get rid of harmful toxins. Apart from this, you can try Naadi Shodhan Pranayam. In this, breathing is performed alternately from one nostril at a time. It helps people who have heart problems, asthma and stress. Stress is one of the biggest culprits behind hair loss and other hair problems.


  • There is another yoga exercise, which is bit controversial yet quite popular for hair growth. It is Balayam. It boosts hair growth by rubbing finger nails.
  • Diet is as important as an exercise regime. So, add hair-friendly foods to your diet that would help you get rid of your hair troubles. Increase your intake of iron, zinc, vitamins and proteins to boost your hair growth.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals on your hair. Instead use natural products to boost healthy hair growth.
  • Use combs and brushes very delicately.
  • Regularly massage your scalp with essential oils like coconut or castor oil.
  • Stay away from stress. Stress is a prime accuse behind hair loss.

With yoga exercises and above tips, get ready to flaunt black, shiny and healthy hair at all times.

Source Via: https://in.style.yahoo.com/post/139362636764/10-yoga-exercises-that-will-help-you-grow-your

7 MAGIC Beauty Hacks With Just Baking Soda!

baking soda beauty hacks

There’s so much more to baking soda than just being an ingredient on a shelf in your kitchen. Its uses are multiple and diverse. If you want to know how to use baking soda to your benefit, you’ve come to the right place! Here are 7 baking soda hacks that will make your life so much easier. Have fun, ladies!

What you need: Baking soda, a ball of cotton, a spoon and a bowl of fresh water.

Difficulty Level: As easy as brushing your teeth!

Hack 1: Soothe an insect bite

Make a paste of baking soda and water and apply it on the affected area to soothe the skin. Let it dry for 2 minutes and wipe it off using a ball of cotton after.

Hack 2: Freshen up your hands

To remove odor from hands, add 3 spoons of baking soda and 1 big spoon of water into a bowl. Stir well and apply it over your hands. Rub the mixture in your hands and rinse off.

Hack 3: Deodorize your sneakers

Sprinkle some baking soda in your old sneakers and shake them well. Let it stay for a few hours and you the odor will have vanished!

Hack 4: As a mouthwash

Mix one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Stir well using a spoon. Take a big sip and gargle it for a few seconds. You will be left with fresh breath and a clean mouth!

Hack 5: As a hair brush cleaner

Add a tablespoon of baking soda into a bowl of fresh water and soak the brush in the solution for 20 minutes. Rinse your hair brush, and you’ll notice that your brush now looks squeaky clean.

Hack 6: Banish blackheads

Make a paste by adding a spoon of water in baking soda and apply it around the blackhead affected area for 10 minutes. It helps treating blackheads and makes them come out easily. Apply 2-3 times a week for best results.

Hack 7: As a dry shampoo

Take some baking soda and rub it on your scalp to get rid of your hair’s oiliness. This hack is amazing especially when you haven’t washed your hair for 2-3 days – it’s like the cheapest dry shampoo ever!

Source Via: https://in.style.yahoo.com/post/139039562774/7-magic-beauty-hacks-with-just-baking-soda

8 Surprising Ways Coconut Oil Makes You Prettier!

Our ever faithful coconut oil does so much more than you can imagine. With winter still freezing us, try these awesome uses of coconut oil to get amazing results! We bet you would have never thought of some of these tricks before!

What You Need: Coconut oil, baking soda, your favorite lipstick, sugar, cotton pads.

1. Lip Gloss

Matte lipsticks dry out the lips sometimes; dab some coconut oil on top of your lipstick to prevent dehydration and give it that extra shine!

2. Cuticle Cure

Dry hands and cuticles? Coconut oil will come to your rescue. Apply coconut oil on your cuticles and keep them moisturized and hydrated.

3. Shaving Cream

Whether you’ve run out of your shaving cream, or have extra sensitive skin, coconut oil will aid you! Apply coconut oil on sensitive skin for the perfect shave as it simultaneously moisturizes your skin.

4. Exfoliator

Winter makes skin dry and rough, and a sugar scrub and coconut oil is sure to take care of this. Take a bowl of sugar and add some coconut oil to it, apply it on your skin and rub get rid of dead skin cells.

5. Cream Blush

For everyone who has dry skin, this is the perfect solution. Apply coconut oil on your cheeks and then dab your favorite lipstick on your cheeks to get the perfect hydrated blush.

6. Makeup Remover

If you’ve finished your makeup remover or have very sensitive skin, use coconut oil to remove makeup without making the skin dry in the harsh winter season. This is very effective!

7. Under Eye Wrinkle Cream

We need to pay attention to the most sensitive area of our face – the eyes. Coconut oil can be used as an under eye cream. Take some coconut oil and tap softly in a round motion under the eye.

8. For Healthy Lashes

We tend to ignore our lashes, so show them some love by applying coconut oil to the lashes before sleeping for healthier lashes.

So, girls, these are the unusual uses of coconut oil that you have got to try now!

Source Via: https://in.style.yahoo.com/post/138203206084/8-surprising-ways-coconut-oil-makes-you-prettier

5 Best Natural Ways To Get Thicker And Longer Hair

Whether you tie them or just leave them open, every style looks just amazing if your tresses are thick and long. This is why, every girl goes crazy in efforts to look for ways to take care of her hair. After all, beautiful and strong locks are an asset that helps in enhancing the overall appearance. Now, it does not mean that you burn a hole in your pocket by purchasing costly products or going for expensive parlour treatments. In fact, there are a lot of natural ways that can help you to get those thick locks. These natural ways are safe and least expensive. So, here is a list of few natural ingredients that will help you to get thick, bouncy and shiny hair.

#1 Eggs

Eggs are an excellent source of protein for your hair, which is very essential for hair growth. Just take one or two eggs, beat them properly, and apply this on your hair. After 10-15 minutes, wash it off with lukewarm water. You can apply this two to three times in a week. Other way is to mix an egg yolk with one tablespoon of hair oil that you use and two tablespoons of water. Massage your scalp with this mixture once a week for thicker hair.

#2 Orange juice

Orange juice is very beneficial for your hair. It helps to get rid of dandruff and oily scalp. You can apply a mixture of orange juice and apple puree (mixed in equal amount), once in a week on your hair. Leave this mixture for half an hour before washing it off. Another way of using the juice is by mixing it with olive oil in equal amount. Just warm this mixture before applying on your hair. Leave it for half an hour before rinsing it off.  A hair pack made from the pulp of an orange peel is also good for your hair.

#3 Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds ( alsi) are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. They are quite effective in treating hair problems like brittle and thin hair. All you have to do is, soak three tablespoons of flaxseeds in water for five days, and then apply this solution on your scalp directly with the help of a cotton ball. Let it stay on your scalp for 10 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. Apart from this, add freshly grounded flaxseeds to your diet to boost hair growth.

#4 Amla

Indian gooseberry or amla can do wonders to your hair. To make a hair potion, just boil one tablespoon of dried amla in two tablespoons of coconut oil and strain the mixture. Massage your scalp with this oil and wash it the next day. You can even boil water with dried or powderedamla and apply it on your hair followed by rinsing with water. The antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and exfoliating properties of gooseberry will make your hair shine with volume.

#5 Avocado

Avocados are a great source of vitamins A, B and E. Apart from this, they are also a great way to moisturise your hair naturally. Massaging the mixture of mashed avocado and banana on your scalp can boost thick hair growth. Leave the mixture for 30 minutes, then rinse it properly and apply a good conditioner on your hair.

So, with these natural products, go natural and make your hair thicker, stronger and healthier.

Via Source: https://in.style.yahoo.com/post/135438285264/5-best-natural-ways-to-get-thicker-and-longer-hair

Unbelievable Beauty Benefits Of Neem That Will Leave You Amazed

Does the untimely burst of pimples leave you feeling embarrassed? Are you tired of squeezing out the blackheads or irritated with dry skin? Such problems keep troubling girls, time and again. But, instead of going for natural ingredients to find a solution, many prefer to go for cosmetic resolutions. Neem is a natural herb that has many beauty benefits that often go unnoticed. So all you girls, read on as we tell you about the beauty benefits of neem, which are certainly going to surprise you.

#1. Treating skin infections

Boil a few neem leaves till the time they turn soft. You will notice the water turning green because of the discolouration of the leaves. Strain this water, and add some of it in your bath water. Regularly taking bath with this water will help in keeping skin infections under check. Neem leaves have antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties, and hence, they are quite effective on skin infections. It also soothes irritation and reduces inflammation without drying the skin.

#2. Addressing acne problems

The most favourite home remedy that has been passed on from one generation to the other is using neem to treat acne. To effectively put this to use, first boil a few neem leaves in water (as explained before). Now, dab a cotton ball in that water, and then apply it evenly on your face. You can also use a neem-cucumber or neem-yoghurt face pack to keep a check on excessive oil secretion by sebaceous gland.

#3. Used for flawless skin

When used regularly, neem works as an excellent agent to prevent wrinkles and fine lines. Use the strained neem water to fight the signs of age spots or aging. It works effectively on skin pigmentation as well. Strained neem water will help in lightening the acne scars and lesions caused due to skin conditions. Alternately, you can prepare a neem-rose face pack for a smoother complexion, free from grease and oil. After it dries off, make sure you wash it off with rose water.

#4. Remedy for dry Skin

A neem pack is quite effective in taking care of an excessively dry skin. Take some neem powder and add a few drops of grapeseed oil in it. Apply this evenly on your face and leave it on for a couple of minutes before you rinse it off with cold water.

#5. Cure for skin pores

Neem provides an effective remedy in tackling problems such as blackheads, whiteheads and large pores. To combat these problems, you will need to prepare a mixture of neem leaves and orange peels. Pound the two to make a pulp, and add a few drops of honey, soy milk and yoghurt to it. It is recommended that you apply this face pack at least thrice a week to notice results. If you only have blackheads, apply some neem oil on the affected area.

#6. Takes care of hair troubles

The antibacterial and antiseptic properties of neem come in handy while treating scalp problems. Neem oil helps in hair growth. Massage neem oil on your hair roots without breaking your hair strands. This will take care of your hair thinning problems as well. For dandruff control, apply a mixture of neem powder and water on your scalp, and leave it for an hour before you shampoo your hair.

Try neem, the magical leaf, to get flawless skin and gorgeous hair.

Via Source: https://in.style.yahoo.com/post/134453278113/6-unbelievable-beauty-benefits-of-neem-that-will

Beauty Secrets From Your Kitchen : 7 Spices, 7 Remedies

No Indian kitchen is complete without its dabba of roasted and fresh spices. It’s these very spices that add flavour and soul to a particular dish. However, apart from using them while cooking, did you know that they make for fabulous beauty ingredients as well? Making a natural beauty product using these selected Indian spices that can improve the texture of your skin, fight acne and make your hair stronger. So ladies, are you ready to put these to the test? Here are 7 Indian spices that help enhance your beauty – naturally! (Try them out today!)

1. Keep The Wrinkles Away With Turmeric

Did you know that turmeric is packed with antibiotic, anti-ageing and antiseptic properties? If applied to the skin, it could have positive impact! While it improves skin complexion, it also keeps the fine lines at bay.

Step 1 – Take a spoonful of turmeric powder and drop it into a bowl.

Step 2 – Now, add one tablespoon of honey into the bowl and mix it with the turmeric till it turns into a thick paste.

Step 3 – You can use a brush or your fingers to apply it on your face, arms and legs.

Step 4 – Let it sit for 15-20 minutes and wash it off with chilled water.

2. Ginger Can Help Fight Pigmentation

Skin blemishes and annoying sun tan are a few things we want to know how to get rid of quickly! While you may think the salon lady has the answer, you’re mistaken – you just need ginger in your life, girl. Ginger can help rejuvenate your skin and improve your complexion.

Step 1 – Grate one stick of ginger and pour its shavings into a bowl.

Step 2 – Now, pour a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of lemon juice into the bowl.

Step 3 – Mix all the ingredients well and apply it directly to your face.

Step 4 – Spread the gooey liquid all over your face, and give your skin a good massage.

Step 5 – After 5 minutes, wash it off with lukewarm water.

3. Garlic For Gorgeous Hair

Is your hair starting to look dull and feel brittle? If it is, you’ve got try using garlic. You see, garlic pods as tiny as they are, they’re packed with vitamin C and amino acids which help re-energize hair follicles and repair hair damage. If you must know, it promotes hair growth too!

Step 1 – Take a handful of garlic pods and dip them into a bowl of olive oil.

Step 2 – Leave them to soak in the oil for a week.

Step 3 – After a week, you can discard the pods and use the oil for your hair.

Step 4 – Heat the oil for a couple of seconds, and apply it on your scalp and give yourself a good head massage

Step 5 – Let it stay on your hair for about 5-8 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.

4. Black Pepper To Ban Blemishes And Acne

Do you want to get rid of blemishes and acne naturally? If that’s a nod, get ready to make the best use of black peppers. From a beauty ingredient perspective, black peppers are great for skin exfoliation. It loosens pores, clears acne, removes blackheads and scrubs away oil and bacteria.

Step 1 – Make a paste using a teaspoon of black pepper powder and chilled yogurt.

Step 2 – Gently apply it over your pores and acne using your fingertips.

Step 3 – Wait till the mask hardens and wash it off with cold water after 10 minutes.

5. Coriander Seeds For Brighter Eyes

For bright and healthy eyes, coriander seeds is what you need. They contains antibacterial and antioxidant properties that help reduce itchiness and redness of the eyes. It also cures tired and puffy eyes.

Step 1 – Pour a tablespoon of coriander seeds into a glass of water and leave it overnight to soak.

Step 2 – The next morning, use the water as eye drops.

Step 3 – Keep it on for half a second and wipe it off with a damp hand towel.

6. Get Kiss-Ready Lips With Cinnamon

Believe it or not, but one of the main reasons for dry lips is poor blood circulation. Luckily, daily usage of cinnamon as a beauty ingredient helps speed it up. The heating effect of cinnamon helps push the blood to your skin and gives it a radiant look. This will benefit you immensely if you chapped and dull lips.

Step 1 – Crush two big sticks of cinnamon till it turns to powder.

Step 2 – Mix it with your lip scrub or Vaseline and apply it on your lips.

Step 3 – Leave it on for half an minute and wash it off with lukewarm water.

7. Cloves Can Give You Clearer Skin!

No Indian dish is complete without adding cloves to it. However, the same can be done for your beauty regime. This dried spice contains eugenol and antiseptic properties that heal skin, fight bacteria and remove blemish marks.

Step 1 – Crush a couple of cloves and pour its powder into a tiny container.

Step 2 – Add a tablespoon of honey and a couple of drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Step 3 – Mix all the ingredients well and apply it to your face.

Step 4 – Leave it on for about 5 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water.

Images: Shutterstock

Source Via: https://in.style.yahoo.com/post/133395084859/7-spices-7-remedies-beauty-secrets-from-your

Excellent Home Remedies To Get Straight Hair Naturally

Beauty salons not only burn a hole in your pocket, but their frequent treatments can make your beautiful hair look dull and lifeless too. Excess exposure to their hair straightening machines and dryers can make your hair addicted to these treatments. Managing your mane without them can get difficult for you by each passing usage.

So, just stop wasting your money on these beauty salons every time you want to straighten your hair. Here are a few things from your kitchen that can straighten your hair in a much effective manner. These little tips will not only take care of your frizzy hair, but will also make it soft and shinny. So, simply walk into your kitchen and get started!

#1. Fruit pack

Well, we all know that fruits are good for an overall health. But, they work wonders for your hair too. You need to crush some strawberries or bananas, and add them in a mixture of milk and honey. Mix it well to form a paste like consistency. Now, apply this mixture on your hair, and wait for it to dry completely. Once you wash it off, you will discover glossy and straight hair.

#2. Olive oil and eggs

It is no secret that eggs are an integral part of an ideal hair care routine. But what many people do not know, is that when they are are combined with olive oil, they work like magic. For this, you need to beat two eggs and add some olive oil to it. Mix it well, apply it to your hair, and leave it on for an hour. Wash it off with shampoo, and you will definitely be pleased with its results.

#3. Multani Mitti

Multani Mitti (fuller’s earth) is not only good for your skin, but it also helps in straightening your hair. Just add one egg white and two tablespoons of rice flour to a cup full of multani mitti. Add some water to the paste to get a consistency that will stay onto your hair. Apply it and leave it for half an hour. After 30 minutes, comb your hair gently. Now apply this paste again, and run a comb through your hair. Repeat this process a couple of times. Finally, wash it off. We assure you that after this pack, your wavy hair will definitely be on their best behaviour.

#4. Herb treatment

Well, we have heard that different herb oils are used in various hair and body spa procedures. But, using them in their raw form can work wonders for your frizzy hair. So, moisturise your hair with herbs like chamomile, rose geranium, rose, lavender, cedar wood, calendula, burdock, and sandalwood. They soften the hair cuticles and straighten your hair, and are easily available in the market. Just make a solution by boiling five teaspoons of the at least five of them in two cups of water. Let the mixture cool down, and then add a tablespoon of vinegar to it. Replace this liquid with your conditioner. Do not rinse your hair off after applying it, instead use it as a leave-in conditioner.

#5. Oil your hair

Every grandmother would have passed on this piece of advice to their granddaughters, but sadly very few follow it religiously. So, it is time you pay heed to her advice and start oiling your hair regularly. Instead of using one type of oil, you can combine two or three of them for beautiful straight hair. Mix coconut oil, olive oil and almond oil together, and massage it on your scalp gently. Wrap a hot towel once you are through with the massage. Wash it off after 45 minutes and you will be surprised to see sleek, shiny and straight hair.

A word of caution

Though these treatments straighten your hair, their results are not as instant as a salon. For visible results, you will have to follow them regularly for at least a month. But all said and done, you can vouch for them as they are much better than the artificial salon treatments.

So, say goodbye to the expensive beauty salons and their products, and straighten your hair at the comfort of your home. 

Source Via: https://in.style.yahoo.com/post/131286426894/5-excellent-home-remedies-to-get-straight-hair

Surprising Benefits Of Multani Mitti You Never Knew Before

Fuller’s earth better known as multani mitti, is one of the most popular beauty products in India. It helps to reduce acne, cleanses your skin deeply, does not have any side effects, and is affordable too. But, did you know that along with being used as a face pack, multani mitti can be used for other purposes also? Here, explore the multiple benefits of this product for your skin, hair, and home.

#1. Care for all skin types

Unlike most face packs, multani mitti can be used on any skin type. If you have oily skin, then simply mix multani mitti with rose water and apply it on your face. Those who have dry skin should add a paste of almond and milk to multani mitti and apply it regularly for nourishing their skin.

#2. Reduces pimples

The best way to soothe red angry pimples on your face is to use multani mitti. Mix it with tomato juice, turmeric and sandalwood (chandan) and apply it on your face for ten minutes to reduce the inflammation. To get rid of pimple marks, add neem paste, clove paste, camphor (kapur), and rose water to multani mitti and use it every week.

#3. As a body wash

Want an affordable and natural body wash, which will leave your skin soft and supple? Then mix a cup of oatmeal and neem powder along with a spoonful of turmeric, one fourth cup of chandan, black chickpeas (chana) powder, some milk and multani mitti. Use this daily as your body wash and you will be delighted to see the healthy glow on your skin.

#4. Substitute for shampoo

Replacing your shampoo with multani mitti is one of the best gifts you can give your hair. It acts as a mild cleansing agent that will not only get rid of the excessive oil from your scalp, but will also condition it deeply. Multani mitti removes all the dirt from your hair without washing away the natural moisturizers.

#5. Get rid of split ends

A multani mitti hair pack is all you need if you want to get rid of your split ends! Oil your hair overnight and in the morning wrap a towel dipped in hot water around it. After an hour, wash your hair with a paste of multani mitti and curd. Next day, shampoo your hair and apply your conditioner. Use this pack every week and your split ends will definitely disappear.

#6. Improves blood circulation

Multani mitti paste is very soothing and can improve the blood circulation in your body. All you have to do is simply apply the mixture on your tired limbs and you will start feeling better in no time.

#7. Hot and cold compresses

If you are suffering from muscle cramps, burns, insect bites or even menstrual pain, you can use multani mitti as either a hot or a cold compress. Just mix it with either warm or cold water and apply the paste on the affected area. If you are badly sunburnt and want to soothe your skin, you can apply the paste on your entire body. However, avoid the chest area as this paste is very cold and may give you a cold.

#8. Stain remover

Multani mitti is used to absorb stubborn stains like grease, oil and even blood on your clothes. Just wet the stained area and rub multani mitti on it till the stain vanishes.

Besides being used as a face pack, multani mitti certainly has so many other uses. So make use of it for shiny hair, beautiful skin, a healthy body and clean clothes.

Source Via: https://in.style.yahoo.com/post/130392647459/8-surprising-benefits-of-fuller%C3%A2-s-earth-or

Amazing Beauty Benefits Of Coconut Water For Glowing Skin and Lustrous Hair

Well, coconut water is not just a drink to give you a soothing and relaxing feeling on your beach holiday or in the scorching summer heat. This healthy and nutritious drink is fast emerging as the popular beverage choice for avid health conscious people around the world. Besides the innumerable health benefits of drinking coconut water, applying it has an amazing effect on the skin and hair. It provides you with a glowing and beautiful skin, and soft and shiny hair that you have always desired. So, take a look at a few amazing beauty benefits of this refreshing drink.

The Secret to a Healthy Skin

Leave aside drinking; the mere application of coconut water can make your skin glow instantly. It can even act as a natural moisturiser and keep pimples at bay.

  • It brings an instant glow to your skin. For this, wash your face with coconut water every day. This will soon give you a glowing, smooth, and even-toned skin. Also, a pack of turmeric, coconut water, and red sandalwood paste will help you get a smooth and flawless complexion.
  • As it is light in consistency, it can also be used as a natural moisturiser. It helps in reducing the oil and greasiness of the skin. It is highly recommended for people with oily skin.
  • It can cure your sun tan as well. For this, apply a pack of multani mitti(fuller’s earth) and coconut water daily. This natural face pack removes tan and dark spots, leaving your skin with a radiant glow.
  • Washing your face daily with fresh coconut water can also help you to prevent blackheads, acne, blemishes and pimples that often take away a good night’s sleep.
  • If you have a dry and dull skin, a splash of coconut water or a gentle dab of it can rehydrate your skin instantly. Besides this, coconut water is a fantastic hydrating alternative to water. Drinking it can cure dehydration, thereby keeping your skin soft and supple. It is this dehydration in the body which does not allow the excretion of body toxins, leading to several skin related ailments.

For beautiful hair

Benefits of coconut on your dull and frizzy hair are umpteen. No, it is not the coconut oil that is being discussed here! It is fresh coconut water that can do wonders to your otherwise lifeless hair.

  • It addresses the issue of hair loss by improving blood circulation in the scalp. And, it is this proper blood flow, which enhances the density of hair and strengthens the hair follicles preventing it from breakage.
  • Massaging hair with coconut water every day can bid adieu to unruly, rough and frizzy hair. It makes your hair smooth, soft, and shiny. With its powerful hydrating properties, coconut water moisturises your hair roots, giving them much strength. It can also be used as a natural conditioner.
  • It comes with anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, which prevents itchy scalp, dandruff, and other infections that hinder hair growth.

So, what are you waiting for? Explore the numerous beauty benefits of coconut water, and flaunt your glowing skin and shiny smooth locks!   

Source Via: https://in.style.yahoo.com/post/130188015674/8-amazing-beauty-benefits-of-coconut-water-for

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